The vulva
It has two types of tissue with very different characteristics: external waterproof and dry skin (keratinized) that covers the outside of the labia majora and is continuing with the skin of the legs and abdomen; and the mucosa, moist and delicate that starting from the inside of the labia majora cover and extends towards the inside of the vagina.
Due to its characteristics is more prone to irritation, but at the same time, gives a better and fast curing and healing.
The vulva is a delicate area, specialized, susceptible to being targeted by infections and sexually transmitted diseases and irritated by friction.
Shaved, pubic hair reduction
Shaving became popular at the end of the 90´s and became almost routine in the life of today's woman. Added new methods with wax, laser and pulsed in the 2000 light.
To gynecologists is fabulous because we can evaluate and quickly ruled out the presence of benign, premalignant and malignant lesions of the vulva, and in appearance, for women, is much better since the local toilet is much easier and more effective (perhaps too much).
But that we will be removing to remove pubic hair?
Showers and DOUCHING
The experience in other areas of the body and of the so-called native bacterial flora or microbiota local knowledge was identified as the indication and the use of vaginal washes or showers an undesirable medical error. Seeing the vagina as an inert channel was logical thinking that if it produced a flow abnormal and annoying "washing it to force" across the problem. DOUCHING were proscribed by the modern Gynecology and its indication suggests downgrade and physiological ignorance.
The vagina usually manages single without much intervention, physiological characteristics allow you to remain healthy and in many cases spontaneously return to normal if not invasive it is unnecessarily.
"Special" intimate deodorants and soaps
In a new version of aggression vulvar has promoted the use of soaps or cleaning preparations of "pH controlled", specially designed for the "intimate woman today toilet" and prevention of Vulvovaginal infections. The problem is that there is no evidence that suggests such benefits and common sense dictates that if there are repetitive washing of the user area will eliminate fatty acids and beneficial bacteria that control the pathogens that are waiting for trigger symptomatic infections. The tale of the pH of the preparation has no physiological basis and indeed contradictory (some have acid pH and alkaline) and also the skin and mucosa local maintained its own pH (5.4 to 5.6) in the long term and dynamically thanks to fatty acids secreted (in form of fat) and metabolism of indigenous bacteria.
What I have observed is that they do not actually prevent infections and in fact prolong the washing mechanical and chemical in the area reducing the ability of Defense of local skin and mucosa. Is not recommended to use them, none!
Follow these measures can be very useful for those patients suffering from recurrent vaginal infections and difficult to treat and control, the headache of gynecologists and frustration of victims; However, many refuse to follow these directions. Contradictions of life!
- Use white, unscented toilet paper. Avoid scented including Wipes and towelettes commercial products.
- Avoid the bathrooms (bath or tub) with bubbles, bath salts and scented oils. Do not apply oils or SOAP directly to the vulva. Avoid the use of any SOAP during bath. The vulvar region does not require to be washed in excess. Vaginal discharge generates a protective layer and the fat secreted maintains the pH. Washing requires only a little water and manual external cleaning for 2-3 seconds.
- Dry the area gently with a towel – not rub-.
- Use little tight clothing.
- Use cotton undies, preferably white. Avoid synthetic fabrics.
- Avoid the use of panties type "FLOSS".
- Sleep without underwear
- The genital area should not be shaved. Shaving causes irritation and inflammation of the skin, hair follicles and glands. I favor a partial shaving that allows a small triangle of pubic hair rasado with scissors or electric machine that covers part of the Mount of Venus and the labia so the underwear and sanitary napkins do not have direct contact with the vulvar skin allowing a small cushion of air that evaporate local secretions and avoid direct contact with irritants.
- Avoid using scented tampons and sanitary napkins. Since chemical substances that might be in the buffer will be efficiently absorbed by your body through the vagina, avoid the use of devices of doubtful origin and not brands.
- Do not use towels daily, favor local humidity and bacteria growth and local fungal in a disproportionate manner.
- Some women have chronic moisture problems, either by sweat or cervico-vaginal mucus. Gynecologic evaluation can bring out their causes. Meanwhile please keep pubic hair in the area and follow the indications suggested. Certain medical or surgical solutions could be indicated if necessary.
- Maintain a proper weight, lose weight if necessary, exercise, stop smoking. Check their chronic diseases.
- Evite el uso crónico de toallas de protección diaria, mire sus efectos: vulvovaginitis por candidiasis severa
- Afeitado sugerido, vello recortado a unos pocos milímetros con tijera o rasuradora eléctrica; puede ajustar el nivel sobre el púbis si desea un triángulo más pequeño.