There is no specific treatment for HPV, none has been invented. We only destroy its effects but not destroy it to him, there is nothing that resembles a specific therapy, or an antibiotic or antiviral agent. The truth is that the infection will disappear by itself alone in a relatively short time (a condilomatosis week, a couple of years for cervical infection) is why mutilating therapies have no place in the current management of the infection by this virus.
The preventive vaccine does not eliminate the existing infection so it is not therapeutic but it is assumed that it would prevent viral autoinoculation locally, probably limiting the duration of the clinical manifestation of the disease.
What is the natural history of HPV, cervical infection?
As mentioned in the article on this page: HPV: HPV virus facts is eliminated completely from the genital region in months or few years in most of the infected patients. Only in patients infected by virus with carcinogenic capacity infection persists and to poor Gynecologic control can be a precancerous or cancerous lesion in 2 to 20 years. Lesions are usually classified in the presence of HPV and neoplasms intraepithelial cervical of I, II and III degrees (I NIC, NIC II and III NIC) is known to be in cases of recent infection with HPV elimination total (not detectable by viral DNA testing (, PCR, Hybrid Capture® II) in 70% of patients after one year and 91% within 2 years (CDC 2004 Report to Congress on Prevention of HPV).
Promiscuity you exposed to various types of virus in short periods of time, it is possible that cures you of a type and purchasing others over time so you’ll always have HPV in your Pap smears and unfortunately in some cases , and inadvertently, a malignant lesion.
This is something to always remember that there are doctors and laboratories chirles than without a scientifically valid demonstration will take advantage of misinformation and anxiety without basis for the majority of patients affected by HPV with the purpose get great economic benefits. The few existing attempts at therapy against HPV are still experimental and only include HPV infections which have resulted in pre-malignant cell changes in the cervix.
There are no studies on therapies that attack the asymptomatic or subclinical infection by HPV: by that spending hundreds of millions of dollars in an infection that disappears spontaneously, in a few months after exposure, in the vast majority of the patients that the they suffer?
Remember, despite what they tell you and you. You can get to believe: the HPV virus is not an infection for life, the vast majority of patients are cured spontaneously during the first 2 years (average of 8 months), has not invented any specific therapy against the virus anywhere in the world the few specific therapy attempts are still under investigation and they have not “excellent” results while only shown in advanced cases that they can be handled more quickly, effective and economic treatments that disponios in the today.
How is HPV infection diagnosed?
The diagnosis or suspicion of the presence of HPV is done by direct vision Verrucous lesions genitals, colposcopy, cytology result, a cervical biopsy or specific to certain types of HPV viral DNA testing. Not all HPV infections cause disease (up to 50% for DNA-HPV-positive women do not have even a small cell change in cytology or biopsa that suggests that infection is present)
Genital condylomas while annoying are not considered a public health problem since they do not generate fatal complications in patients who suffer them. The treatment is very simple and goes from folk prayers and the placement of adhesive packing in the lesions (System Dr. Litt, 1978, recently revised) until the application of LASER or intralesional interferon. If you want to read all the options (excellent review in English) follow this link. Use with much regularity organic acids since they are very inexpensive and biggest thing is no charge to patients. In selected cases with extensive, no mucosal lesions, use the Aldara (imiquimod, a topical immunomodulator) of ambulatory application by the patient for a period of 8-16 weeks.
The mere presence of HPV in the cervix without other premalignant changes (shown by colposcopy biopsy) should only be observed and followed by annual or half-yearly Pap smears
Injuries cervical premalignant of I and II degrees (NIC I and NIC II) could be handled with destructive procedures limited as the local freezing, cauterization and resection located with diathermic handle, radiosurgery
Lesions premalignant cervical advanced NIC III (carcinoma in situ) require local ablative procedures broad as a “uterine cone” or total removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) in selected cases.
Premalignant vulvar lesions (vulvar neoplasia intaepitelial VINI, VINII, and VINIII) are usually evidenciables rare lesions in mature women, require destructive local or ablative treatment. Recent studies have shown that the Aldara is highly effective in the treatment of these lesions. This will prevent surgery or local tissue destruction.
Then, what I can do if I have a infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV)?
- Annually attend the gynaecological control: if not, how we could realize the HPV infection?
- Meet your Pap smears annually as part of your annual control
- Maintain a monogamous sexuality and to avoid promiscuity
- Using condoms in casual contact or new relationships
- Talk to your partner about diseases sexually transmitted
- Vaccinate you against HPV vaccine availability when but remember that does not prevent or cure all and you will have to visit us annually in the same way.
What should I do
- Practice promiscuity or uncertain sexuality.
- Intercourse without condoms if you don’t know your partner and your sexual habits.
- Be negligent with your gynecological controls.
Recovery time
The virus is eliminated in 1 or 2 years 91% of the cases. Recovery after discreetly destructive procedures take 1 or 2 weeks, a cone or a hysterectomy, in advanced cases, 3 to 6 weeks.
What can you do so that does not happen again?
- Keep a mutually monogamous relationship.
- Use condoms until they do not know well your partner.